A Secret Christian: Nicodemus
Being a Christian is dangerous in some countries
Source: releaseinternational.org
A Religious Leader Attracted To Jesus
Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish religious Council - The Sanhedrin - and someone who was widely respected in the community. He visited Jesus at night in secret so his other Council members wouldn't know he was intrigued by this charismatic rabbi who was amassing a massive following for some reason.
When the Jewish Council were planning to arrest Jesus and put him on trial for blasphemy, Nicodemus cautioned them against hauling him up in front of a kangaroo court. The result? Some of his fellow council members accused him of being a secret follower of Jesus!
From Secret Follower To Open Disciple
Nicodemus, along with Joseph of Arimathea, made sure that Jesus' body was treated with dignity after the crucifixion and helped give Jesus a proper burial. It seems, Nicodemus finally was not afraid to be seen to be a follower of this crucified Messiah.
To read more about Nicodemus' meeting with Jesus, click on BORN AGAIN.
Q1 Have you ever been - or even are at the moment - a secret Christian?
Q2 What kind of things held Nicodemus back from following Jesus openly, do you think?
Q3 What kind of things might hold people back today from witnessing for Christ?