Journeys To Faith

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Different routes to faith

Jesus The Gateway To God

Different people come to encounter God in different ways, but all involve  a personal encounter with the risen and exalted Jesus Christ. Jesus said:

No one can come to know me unless God the Father draws him/her to me.
   I will raise him/her up to life on the last day. JOHN 6:44

• I am the gate to God's sheep-fold. Anyone who comes to me will be saved from God's wrath (on the Day of Judgement). JOHN 10:9

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to know God the Father except through me.  JOHN 14:6

If we want to have a personal relationship with God as our heavenly Father, we need to put our faith in his Son Jesus Christ.

Real Lives Changed For Good

To read of people in the Bible who met Jesus, go to PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE WHO MET JESUS.

To read of some famous people over the centuries, go to

Click on PEOPLE TODAY WHO HAVE MET JESUS to read and listen to folk sharing how they met Jesus today.

Charting Your Own Journey To Faith

To chart your own journey to faith, download a copy of the 'map' above by clicking on  CHARTING MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY.

Taste & See For Yourself

To experience the reality of God for yourself


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