Charles Colson

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From Presidential Adviser To Convicted Criminal

In 1973 Charles Colson was a Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon and a member of CREEP (Campaign to Re-Elect the President) in Nixon's fight to win another term of office in the White House. In 1974 Colson was indicted on a charge relating to the burglary of papers from the Democratic Convention in Washington  -  an incident that became known as The Watergate Scandal.

Although he was never formally convicted of any crime relating to the burglary, Colson did admit to obstruction of justice and was given a one-to- three-year prison sentence and fined $5,000. In fact he served only seven months of a sentence before being paroled.

Colson's Testimony About His Conversion in 1973

Just as the Watergate Scandal was being uncovered, Chuck Colson had a meeting with a personal friend named Tom Phillips which proved to be a turning-point in his life. Here is Colson's description of what happened.

"I remember back to that hot, humid August night in 1973 when Tom Phillips, witnessed to me in his home, I had an overwhelming sense that I was unclean. After talking to Tom, I found that when I got to the automobile to drive away, I couldn’t. I was crying too hard – and I was not one to ever cry. I spent an hour calling out to God. I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him. And I knew for certain that the God who created the universe heard my cry."

Founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries  -  PFM

After his release from prison, Chuck Colson determined to use his experience of prison life to found a Christian ministry devoted to the needs of prisoners and their families. This has become a worldwide ministry known as Prison Fellowship Ministries, or PFM.

On April 21st 2012 Charles Colson went to be with the LORD who had saved him by his grace and mercy and used him to share the compassion of Christ with thousands of prisoners and their families all over the world.

For a general biographical note, click on the following link COLSON BIOGRAPHY.

To watch a film about Chuck Colson's life and conversion, go to BORN AGAIN

To find out more about Prison Fellowship MInistries, click on the link here  PFM logo







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