Using The Weapons God Supplies

Spiritual warfare 469503 1920

Submit to God; resist the devil and he will flee from you.   JAMES 4:7

James points out that our resistance to satan depends on our submission to God so that we are filled with His (supernatural) power, not our human resources.  It involves two aspects  -

a. WILLING SURRENDER to God to be filled with the Holy Spirit

b. ACTIVE DAILY RESISTANCE covered in the whole armour of God and using the weapons God supplies

Body, Soul & Spirit Are Involved In The Fight

We need to -

(1) CRUCIFY THE FLESH  -   put to death the fleshly lusts and appetites

(2) BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF MY MIND  -  let the Holy Spirit take the Word of God & transform the way I think & behave.  

(3) WAGE SPIRITUAL WARFARE AGAINST SATAN & DEMONIC FORCES in the power of the Holy Spirit using the weapons God provides.

God has provided us with all the spiritual resources we need to live a godly life - his POWER and his PROMISES  2 PETER 1:3-8

•  The POWER of God to be seen in -  The Word of God; ; The Name of Jesus; The Blood of Jesus; The Whole Armour of God

•  The PROMISES of God to be found in the Written Word of God and in the Spoken (rhema) Word of God for specific situations

The Reality Of The Victory

REVELATION 12:11 They (the children of God) overcame satan by - 

a. THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB shed for sinners at Calvary 

b. THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY as to what God has done in their lives


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