Walking With Jesus Day By Day

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Listening For Jesus' Voice & Following In Jesus' Footprints

Jesus' call to his disciples was: "Follow me!"  If we are going to be Jesus' disciples, we need to follow in his footsteps day by day.

In JOHN 10: 27 Jesus said: "My sheep hear my voice. I know them. They follow me."

If I'm one of Jesus' flock, I can expect to hear his voice as the Good Shepherd, who loved his sheep so much he died for us.

I need to learn to recognise Jesus' voice from the other voices around me so I am not fooled by fakes masquerading as servants of God, but in reality out to lead us astray. Jesus called them wolves in sheepskins.

Developing My Daily Walk With God: Doing What Jesus Did

READ MORE   to find out how Jesus maintained an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father.

The Way Of A Disciple

READ MORE   Learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus 

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