The Commission Of A Disciple

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Jesus calls us to make disciples        Photo: ©

Three Tasks

LUKE 9:1-2; 10:1, 8-9, 17-20

In these passages we see Jesus giving his disciples instructions on what to do when he leaves them.

•  PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS that the kingdom-rule of God has broken into a world dominated by satan (the prince of this world) in the Person of Jesus Christ who has  overcome all the power of the enemy by his death and resurrection
•  DEMONSTRATE THE KINGDOM by HEALING the sick & SETTING PEOPLE FREE from spiritual bondage

One Great Commission MATTHEW 28:19-20

    baptising people in the name of Father, Son & Holy Spirit, and
    teaching them to do everything Jesus had taught the disciples to do.

Note: Jesus did not tell us to make converts. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. We are to join God in what he is doing and share the gospel with those who are seeking. When they have been born above by the Spirit, we are the to baptise them in water and ask Jesus to baptise them in his Spirit. Then we are to teach these new disciples everything Jesus taught his disciples and has shown us.

Jesus warned his followers they would be persecuted just as he was for trying to show God's love to people, calling them to repent from their sin and turn to God. [See SHARING CHRIST'S SUFFERING.]

The Real Test Of Discipleship   JOHN 13:35

Jesus said the real test of our willingness to follow where he leads is whether we show the supernatural agape-love of Jesus to everyone  -  friend and foe alike. That's how people will know we really are Jesus people, Jesus said (JOHN 13:35).

We can't do this by our own effort. It is the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit in us and through us as we submit ourselves daily to God and seek to follow Jesus where he leads us in the power of the Spirit. [For more see THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.]


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