God's Boundaries For Healthy Living

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Boundaries for healthy living     Photo: © Fotolia.com

B. Our Relationships With Other People

5    Honour your father and mother because of who they are  - your earthly parents I have given you to love and care for you while you are unable to look after yourself. They are meant to reflect My love for you.
6    Human life is sacred. I gave it, and it has enormous worth. Cling to it. Respect it; it is the image of God. He who ignores this and commits the sacrilege of murder must be punished.
7    The deepest human relationship possible is marriage. I created it to solve the essential loneliness in the heart of every person. To spread what is meant for marriage alone among a variety of people will devalue and destroy that relationship. Save sex and intimacy for its rightful place within marriage.
8    I am entrusting you with property. You can own things, and you should use them. Ownership is a great privilege. For it to work, you must respect  everyone else’s right to ownership; stealing violates that right.
9    I am a God of truth. Relationships only succeed when they are governed by truth. A lie destroys contracts, promises, trust. You are worthy of trust. Express it by not lying.
10  I have given you good things to enjoy: oxen, food, furniture, and musical instruments. But people are more important than things. Love people; use things. Do not use people for your love of things.
~ from  P Brand & P Yancey  FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE   Zondervan

You can read the TEN COMMANDMENTS by clicking on EXODUS 20:1-20



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