Power & Authority For Ministry

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A British armed police officer acts with the authority and power of the monarch and government   Photo: © Adobe Stock Images

Jesus' Commission To His Disciples LUKE 9:1-2LUKE 10:1-20

Before he returned to heaven Jesus gave his disciples his commission to PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS, HEAL THE SICK AND SET THE CAPTIVES FREE.

The Disciple's Power & Authority

Jesus had said in JOHN 15:5 that without him, they could do absolutely nothing. In order to fulfill his commission therefore they needed his  AUTHORITY  (Greek exousia) and POWER (Greek dunamis).

Our Authority & Power Are In Jesus

To carry out Christ's commands, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit as ambassadors for Christ, who has given us his AUTHORITY to act on his behalf. The POWER comes from the Holy Spirit.


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