Joseph's Faith In God

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Knowing God Is In Control Even In Our Trials

•  In spite of all his trials Joseph knew that God was in control. How?
•  What was the result of this?
•  The trials taught Joseph how to.................................and  .........................
    ................... in the midst of suffering.
•  What aspect of his suffering do you think was the hardest?
•  Joseph realised that God could do what ? 
•  Even in the midst of all his trials, Joseph never did what?
•  Instead of harbouring bitterness and resentment against his brothers for their    cruel treatment of him, Joseph chose to .......................

A Modern Example Of Suffering Through Injustice

Visit one of the websites below to see examples of Christians experiencing persecution today.

Barnabas Fund logo Open Doors logo releaseinternationallogo

Take a modern example of Christians suffering injustice and see how the lessons from the life of Joseph can be seen in the way they have handled unjust suffering.


Q  Have you ever experienced an injustice done to you?

Q  What was/would be the hardest thing to deal with in such a situation?

Q  What do we learn from the way Joseph responded to unjust suffering?


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