Jim Elliot: Martyred in Ecuador

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Jim Elliot: Martyred in Ecuador

Christian Family Background

Jim Elliot was born in 1927, grew up in a Christian family in Oregon, America and made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ at the age of six.

Theological College & Wycliff Linguistics Training

In 1945 he entered Wheaton College. At the end of his second year he met a missionary from Brazil and began to sense a call to missionary work South America. After graduating from Wheaton College in 1949, Jim attended Camp Wycliff in 1950, where he began studying linguistics and the mechanics of writing down previously unknown languages so that they might be used in translating the Bible for native readers.

The Call To Reach The Auca Indians & Martyrdom

After five more years of language study and work in Ecuador, he and four others felt called to reach out to the Auca Indians with the gospel.

Their efforts to reach the Aucas with the Good News about Jesus ended soon after they landed in the jungle in them being speared to death by the Indians who thought they were attacking them .

Jim Elliot's journal entry for October 28, 1949, contains his most famous quotation, expressing his belief that missions work was more important than his life.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."

His wife Elisabeth eventually returned to Ecuador to find that many of the Indians had turned to Christ.

Film "End Of The Spear" Of The Mission To The Aucas

To watch a trailer of the film "End of the Spear"  about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint and the other missionary martyrs to the Auca Indians of Ecquador click the link here  END OF THE SPEAR.

The Stories of the Other Ecuador Martyrs 

Read more about the other martyrs to the Auca Indians 





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