God's Recycling Process


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Comforting The Hurting So They Can Comfort The Hurting 

In these verses Paul describes God's recycling process for using wounded healers.

•  God comforts us when we are experiencing pain  of various kinds.
•  He then uses us to comfort others suffering the  same kinds of affliction
•  In the course of this process, we may "despair even of life itself"(v8)
•  God allows this to happen so that we learn to rely not on ourselves but on the God who  raises the dead (v9)

Examples Of God Recycling Wounded Healers

Click on the links below to see Christian organisations that use wounded healers to bring healing to others.

GTCLOGO0.75x      joniandfriends logo 768x197 

PFM logo             stauros logo    

The Key: God's Love For A World Of Suffering

The key to each of these organisations is that God uses individuals, who have experienced all kinds of tragedies and problems, to reach others suffering the same or similar problems with the supernatural resources of the Holy Spirit.


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