God's Answer To The Problem Of Evil

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The Classic Formulation Of The Problem Of Evil

In THE PROBLEM OF EVIL we saw the classic formulation of the problem of evil -

•  IF GOD IS LOVE, why does he allow evil & suffering into the world?

•  IF GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL, why doesn't he deal with evil/suffering?

God's Answer To The Problem Of Evil & Suffering PSALM 62 vv 11-12

In this psalm the psalmist says the answer to evil is to be seen in  

•  God's LOVE  and
•  God's POWER 

The Bible shows clearly that God has answered both these questions through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Cross Demonstrates God's Love For A Suffering Humanity       JOHN 3:161 JOHN 4:10

God loved the world so much he gave his only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to deal with the problems of a world torn by sin and suffering.

Jesus' Resurrection From The Dead Demonstrates God's Power Over Evil


Verse 15 shows that Jesus DIS........................., DIS.............................. and DEF............................... all the powers of evil by his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave demonstrated God's ultimate power over sin, death and satanic evil.



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