Problem of evil slider1200x800The Reality of Evil                    Photo: © The Jewish Holocaust Archive

The Reality of Evil & The Justice of God

The Nazis' attempt to exterminate God's chosen people, the Jews, reminds us of the reality of absolute moral evil, in spite of the attempts of -
(a) moral relativists to deny absolute good & evil
(b) historical revisionists to deny the historical reality of the Holocaust and other genocidal atrocities.

The Classic Problem Of Evil

Evil is really only a problem for those who believe in God as good and just.

Stated in its simplest form the problem of evil poses two questions -

Q1  If God exists, why does he allow such evil to occur to apparently innocent people?

Q2  If God exists, how can he allow such evil to go unpunished?

If God Does Not Exist

In his final novel about faith and unbelief The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky poses the problem of unbelief in terms of a God of justice.

Ivan, the atheist of the three brothers, says at one point:  "If God does not exist, everything is permitted."


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