Evidence Of Being Born Again

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Being born as a child of God    Photo: © Fotolia.com

Being Born Again Means Coming To Know God Personally

There are two ways we can know God is real:
•  OBJECTIVELY from the EVIDENCE of creation, the historical facts of the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the written Word of God  - the Bible 
•  SUBJECTIVELY from my EXPERIENCE of God as my heavenly Father, when I have  been born from above supernaturally by the power of God's Holy Spirit.

Made In The Image Of God

When we are born from above by the Spirit, we inherit the image of our heavenly Father God which we see in His Son, Jesus Christ.


Being Born Again Involves Changes In My Life

When a person comes spiritually alive  -  or is born again  - by the Holy Spirit, s/he knows it and has a deep assurance that God has forgiven him/her and caused the streams of living spiritual waters to flow from deep inside him/her  JOHN 7:37-39. S/he also experiences changes in his/her mind, heart and life.

Q What are some of the changes you might expect to happen when someone is born again?



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