Demonic Spirits In The Bible


Various demonic spirits are mentioned in the Bible.

In The Old Testament 

•  Spirit of jealousy (GENESIS 4:5-8)
•  Familiar spirit (I SAMUEL 28:7)
•  Spirit of arrogance (PROVERBS 16:18-19)
•  Spirit of slumber (ISAIAH 29:10, ROMANS 11:8)
•  Spirit of drunkenness/dizziness (ISAIAH 19:14)
•  Spirit of despair/heaviness/fainting ISAIAH 61:3)
•  Spirit of prostitution (HOSEA 4:12, 5:4)

In The New Testament

•  Evil spirit (MARK 6:7; LUKE 11:24-26)
•  Deaf & dumb spirit (MARK 9:17-29)
•  Spirit of an unclean demon (LUKE 4:33)
•  Evil spirits (LUKE 7:21; ACTS 19:12-13)
•  Spirit of infirmity (LUKE 13:11-13)
•  Spirit of divination (ACTS 16:16) [Literally, a Spirit of Python -
    the serpent demon of the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi]
•  Spirit of slavery (ROMANS 8:15)
•  Spirit of the world (I CORINTHIANS 2:12)
•  Spirit of death (I CORINTHIANS 10:10)
•  Deceiving spirits (I TIMOTHY 4:1)
•  Spirit of fear (2 TIMOTHY 1:7)
•  Spirit of antichrist (I JOHN 4:3)
•  Spirit of error (I JOHN 4:6)


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